21 October 2011

This is the new America, may the gods have pity on us all

Today I saw a TV ad for what to me is the lowest of lows. I had not seen this before. Somehow my TV viewing habits may have allowed me to skip this until now. I have no idea how long this ad has been running on the tube. According to the web page for this "product" they advertise on A&E, The Military Channel, The History Channel, CMT, CNBC, MTB, VH1, and Spike.
OK, you say to the old guy ranting away (me). Just what has got you so riled up?
The "product" is a two coin "commemorative" set, one gold coin and one silver coin that "celebrate" the assassination of bin Laden. YES, no kidding at all here. You can buy a two coin set and join in "celebrating" that assassination. No capture, no trial by jury, no waiting around for a jury to decide anything at all. No sir, just a good old fashioned assassination.
Along with the two coins, you will also get two acrylic capsules to hold these "precious" coins, two certificates of authenticity, the Navy seal creed, a military briefing package that includes maps, photos, and operational details. also in this package is a gold lapel pin. This total package, so the web site and TV commercial tell us, is a $260.00 value. Oh, but you can have it all for the amazingly low price of, wait for it, yes, $19.95. Plus shipping and handling as usual.
If you think I have made this up, here is the web site for this entire package. Check it out if your stomach is strong enough. www.justicecoin.com/index.dtm

YES, they actually call these coins, justice coins. I am not fibbing folks. Check the link above. 
What sort of "justice" was given to bin Laden? An assassins bullet is what he got. No capture, no lawyers, no trial, no jury, no waiting for a jury to decide guilt. No sir, none of that "old school" crap. This is the 21st century. Amerikkka rules. USA uber alles. 

Yes, I know that "we", the USA has done this sort of thing for decades. The thing is, we didn't hear of assassinations shortly after they happened. Back in my youth, the CIA and other arms of the US government kept these sorts of things very quiet. Oh sure, on rare occasions they were made known as a "warning" to other leaders around the globe to be very careful. Still, for the most part, the dirty work of our special ops and CIA agents were low key and kept more or less secret. The public didn't hear of them until much later and only after some serious digging by real journalists who worked very hard to get to the truth of things.
Now, we not only hear of some of these operations as soon as they are done, we now "celebrate" the assassinations of supposed terrorists with goddamn "commemorative" coin sets! How low can this country stoop? How bloody damn sick is this? Please excuse me for my language.It is extremely difficult to keep my words polite in regards to this abomination. 

LOL, let me have a moment to reflect on that last sentence. "Abomination", yes, BUT since the USA is now the Obamanation, in some small way, it all fits. Yes, I know, I have a sick sense of humor at times. I just couldn't resist that one. Yes, it IS a bad pun. Most likely a very bad pun.
Still, it does fit. 

With the news on "advisors" going to Uganda, Southern Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, this TV ad just struck me as being about the absolute lowest of things.Throw in the killing of old Gaddafi and the news is quite depressing. This advertizement is just like the straw that broke the camels' back.It is one damn thing too much.

Are we, as a nation now so brutish that we now want "commemorative" coin sets to "celebrate" the unlawful killings of supposed enemies? What next? Commemorative coins to "celebrate" the death by drones of US citizens like Anwar al-Awlaki and his son? Why not? Why, such coin sets could give the drone "pilots" a morale boost. Those "pilots" are not given, as far as I am aware, any battle ribbons for their "work". Some Air Force general was quoted some time ago on the subject of how they could reward the "bravery" of these drone pilots. Seriously. I forget what web site I ran across that comment, I remember it being back in 2009, or about then. It was after the use of drones became news and there were, maybe still are, questions of how to award any sort of medals to the drone "pilots" for, again, their "bravery". This when the "most dangerous" part of their day is the drive home after their shift is finished for the day. Hey, we need to keep the morale high you know. 
I had started work on a rant about Gaddafi and the newest African odyssey of "dear leader" Gobomber. Taking a show break from reading, I saw that TV commercial and just about went ballistic. My first, and still current, thought on this coin set is; just how bloody low will we go? How deep will some dig to "celebrate" an assassination? What has happened to the rule of law? Where has any shred of human decency in this sort of "product"? How low will some go for obscene profits? People in the USA still try to claim the country is a "christian nation". How does a "product" like this square with that sentiment? How can we, the American people, claim to be a civilized country, when we have this sort of absolute garbage for sale on our TV sets and the internet? We look down on supposed savages, but now, with this coin set, I really have to wonder just who the real savages are today.
semper fi


Tao Dao Man said...

As long as it is OUR savage.
All is well.

AfriCom needs the most scrutiny now.
I believe this is the hop - skip - and jump for their "long war".

The endless war without borders has now jumped continents.

This is now America's destiny.

The old Western posters of "Wanted dead or alive" as W once quoted.
Has now turned into "Wanted dead, or deader".

charlie ehlen said...

Thank you my friend.
I was doing some reading getting set to rant about the new African odyssey when that TV ad came on. It threw me off quite a bit to put things very mildly.
I still plan to post about the African mess later. I just need some time to digest this "commemorative" piece of crap.
Stay tuned, Africa is set as the next topic here.

Tao Dao Man said...

I do not know if you have seen this.
It is well worth your time.
Libya has water, a lot of water.
A commodity even more precious than oil.

As you know I am probably the biggest Pepe Escobar fan there is.

IMO his comments about Libya, and the rest of Africa are spot on.

Tao Dao Man said...

OOPS sorry I forgot the link. LOL


charlie ehlen said...

Yes, I saw that. I also like Pepe. In my opinion, he is a very honest reporter. One of the very best. I trust his reports.
I was aware that Libya has water. Gaddafi even built his "great man made river" and I was watching during the war to see if it was going to be attacked by the NATO clowns. As far as I am aware, it was not. One thing to be happy for in Libya.
Great link. Thanks as always.

Grace said...

The water was lovingly not bombed during the humanitarian massacre. We do live in Orwellian times. Gaddafi had a storehouse of gold too. The strange part is he was working with US. He operated black sites for the GWOT. he was friends with Hillary's friends. He was our friend again right before this happened. Sounds like the Mob. Your best friend takes you out. Nobody laughed louder than Hillary!

gesneri said...

Kind of sounds like something out of the story of the decline of the Roman Empire. Striking medals to commemorate the assassination of one's enemies. Thanks for another great rant, Charlie.

Grace said...

Charlie, What a Nation this has become. A Paramilitary Fascist Empire. Who woulda thunk it? Those coins are a symbol of the abomination that our Country seems to aspire to! I am with the Occupiers. I am the 99%. I recently spent time in a detention facility because I am disabled. Hows that for Orwellian! Hope you are doing good. All the best to you.