03 October 2011

Just when you thought we were making progress

Greetings to all.
Well, just when you may have thought that we, the USA, might be making some actual progress in this damn fool war OF terror that has been ongoing since W. Shrub invaded Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks, we find that up pops a "new" enemy.
Yes, I am referring to the dreaded "new" enemy in the Af/Pak (I detest that "designation") region, the Haqqani network. This supposed "new" enemy is one that just recently has appeared on the blogs and news sites. While this group or whatever it is may have been in existence for some time, most of us have only just heard of them in the past few days.
Yes, just when we may have started to catch our breath now that bin-Laden is "officially" dead, what happens but up pops a "new" threat. Not only do we have this "new" group to fear, they seem to have come into our attention fully formed and ready to deal a deadly blow to America and our very way of life. No doubt this gang makes the once dreaded al-Qaeda seem to be a stereotypical "Sunday school" group of little kids. This Haqqani gang is the latest gang of evil terrorists for the US and NATO to fight. Good grief people, we are not unite done with one set of "bad guys" when up pops another gang that is even wore than the last "enemy".  Well, take heart America, as the old saying goes; no rest for the wicked.  Whatever it takes to keep the citizens of the United States of America off balance and fearful, that IS what the "leaders" of the old US of A will provide, in spades even. Hey, we need to justify, somehow, the obscene budgets for homieland (in)security don't ya know. Old Chertoff needs the extra profits from his companies porno-scanners in every airport in the nation. Blackwater(Xe) need the extra profits for guarding(killing innocents) US installations in the war zones.
Yes sir, keep that war OF terror roaring along as the nation hurtles to its economic doom. Oh, but don't fret, the "wonderful" congress critters will surely "find" the extra funds for the ongoing wars by "simply" slashing the monies that pay for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. You see, the miserable economy is due to all those greedy senior citizens and the disabled people along with those who fall below the poverty levels. They are just draining the economy with their "entitlements" and that must stop. We "need" to continue the wars,as Shrubbie told us, we are "fighting them over there so we don't need to fight them here". Yeah, sure thing. What a load of bullshit. Have you seen the Afghan Navy? how about the Afghan air force? No, neither of them? Well, no wonder, they do not have a navy. Hell, Afghanistan is land locked. Of course you good people who read this blog knew that all along, I just tossed that in for any  new readers who may not have access to a map. The only air force operating in Afghanistan is a US/NATO one that does quite a good job of bombing Afghan weddings and funerals. 
Yes, I AM being sarcastic and cynical in this rant. It is part of my nature to be cynical and a bit sarcastic at times. this is one of those times.
Since 1945, the US has been confronted by some enemy every year. First it was those vile commies, then we went on to many other newer enemies after the Soviets went and quit the old game that had served the military-industrial complex so well for so long. Recently we had the vile al-Qaeda and assorted hangers on. Now we have the newest "threat", the Haqqani. We never seem to run out of enemies. Why, it is almost enough to make one stop and think just why that is. One could do an internet search for the number of countries the USA has invaded or been at some sort of war with since 1945. I'll clue you in, it is a long list. The US has been fighting with somebody or other almost every single year since the end of World War Two. Now, these military actions may have been called "police actions" or some other innocuuous term, but it amounts to the same thing, fighting some other people in their own country. Hey, we need to teach those foreigners to elect the type of government that Washington D.C. wants them to have. Yes sir, just forget totally what sort of government the people there want, they need to get with the program, don't they know? Well, they had best learn or be watchful as "we" will just have to bring democracy to them, wether they want us to or not. Just who do these foreigners think they are? It is follow the dictates of the clowns in D.C. or else. And we claim to be a democratic republic? Oh, the irony.
On another topic, here is something all "good" Americans can be proud of. The congress critters are blocking much of the aid monies we give to the Palestinians. Why is that, you ask? Well, those pesky Palestinians have been too the dreaded, vile, socialistic United Nations in New York and they asked for the country of Palestine to be given formal recognition! How dare they!! Just who do THEY think they are? Why, this was NOT cleared by either Washington D.C. nor by the zionist entity. In fact the zionist entity has been stomping its little feet even before the formal request was made at the UN. In fact they said they would do just that before the UN meeting convened. See, they told us they would stomp their feet, and they did.
Yes, the US congress is with holding needed funds to Palestine because they asked to be recognized by the UN before D.C and TelAviv said they could do so. As to when the clowns in D.C. and TelAviv MIGHT allow them to make that request, well, that will take time you know. How much time? Well, that is still to be determined. Hey, you cannot rush these things. Why it has only been just a bit over sixty(60) years since the zionist entity was created, soooo, these silly Palestinians will just have to sit back and wait for their time to come. Oh, the absolute arrogance of the ass clowns who populate Washington D.C. and TelAviv! The bullshit is so deep in those two places that you need hip boots just to keep from soiling your shoes.
From what I have read, it looks like the Occupy Wall Street is having an impression on life in New York city. The cops keep arresting the protestors and they keep protesting the banksters. Of course the protests is not allowed to actually occupy Wall Street itself. Nope, we "need" to keep the rabble away from the folks who work on Wall Street. Hey, we can't let these protestors to shut down the "economic engine" of Wall Street. Damn straight, there are obscene profits toy be made, very obscene bonuses to be had. Got to keep the banksters rolling in their money. There might be more toxic crap to push off on some sucker. Sell some more derivatives and other garbage to the rubes. The champaign MUST keep flowing for the banksters and their pals in the "too big to fail" crowd. 
Jeff Huber at his "Pen and Sword" blog has the start of what no doubt will be another excellent posting. Check him out tomorrow, Tuesday 4 October. He only has a preview up today, but even that is good so far.
Also, check in at "Tomdispatch", always a good read there. As are any of the sites on my links here.
Oh, and if you are not outraged yet, Gobomber HAS killed an American citizen. He authorized a drone attack that killed American born Anwar Awlaki just last week, 30 September, a new date to live in infamy. America, what a country.
semper fi


Mike Whitney said...

Hi Charlie,

Great article, but I think I'll limit my comments to occupy Wall Street.

It is amazing how much hope average people are investing in this group. And--I have to admit--I'm one of those people.

It's just been so long since we've seen any sign that people are getting fed up, ffired up, and ready to act. But it does make you think how much we've lost in the last 10 years....Everything has changed. Everything.

Who would have thought that a community organiser with a law degree from Harvard, would have the nerve to order a gangland style hit on an American citizen living abroad.

Whoa, it's mindboggling! It's going to take a long time to dig out of the hole we're in. I'm sure, most of us will be dead by then.

charlie ehlen said...

I agree that the OWS is something really great.
It is great that finally something is getting started to try and wake up the gangsters of Wall Street. The "too big to fail" banksters need a wake-up call, I hope this is just the start of some sort of nation wide protest movement.
I am glad that I am on the down side of life though. Man, I'd hate to be 20 again with the bulk of my life ahead of me. The Vietnam crap was bad enough, but this economy is worse than what I went through in that damn war.
I fully support the OWS and would be there myself if I could afford it.
I didn't have much to add to the news of OWS, there are plenty of good articles about this and even by some of the people who are there. I didn't think I had much to add to that discussion, so I kept my comments to other topics.
No matter, I am still highly pissed at the way Gobomber just had our fellow Americans killed. What the hell is going on with our country? And this guy was a "Constitutional law professor"???

Grace said...

"Who would have thought that a community organiser with a law degree from Harvard, would have the nerve to order a gangland style hit on an American citizen living abroad. "

I just have to second that!
Talk about going from Hopey to Mopey (quote from Van Johnson) and BEYOND!!

I am horrified at the drone killings. They are with toys aching to use them. No control. No law nor order. That is chaos. Because I was raised that we are different from killers and dictators. We are a land of freedom, working in harmony together!!!

I can only hope that the Occupy movement is the real deal. I too would be there were I college age again. I am on disability and can barely pay for my medical needs let alone getting peppersprayed and beaten with all my problems! Pathetic. It is a war. It can be a peaceful war? That is the only way I can "fight" -with love and compassion, understanding.

Great to read you, Charlie.
Money can't buy me love.

charlie ehlen said...

I was raised much the same, that the USA was supposed to be "better" than the dictators. I remember a high school teacher, my chemistry teacher in fact, who told us how the US and the USSR were at opposite ends of a spectrum and that we would start to go towards the other, meet in the middle at some time and pass each other by on the way to becoming the other.
When I look at what is happening, it seems to me he was very right. Either a true prophet or just highly prescient.
We see that Russia is moving to being more democratic and we are moving to being a police state.
The founders of the old republic would be very discouraged at what we have done with it.